Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27

1. It was interesting to see people working on their projects. Some of them I haven't heard the idea on, so they seem completely odd and random.

2.I am excited to see what people's huge cardboard creations and tiny paper sculptures develop into.

3. I learned that i am completely ridiculous when it comes to sign making. So that rules that out as a profession.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Public Art Sketches






April 20, 2010

1. I thought the explaination of the fluxist artist and the box was great. I think sometimes really simple ideas like that are the most effective.

2. I am really excited for the project, I hope people actually interact with it.

3. I thought it was really interesting to see what ideas other people came up with. Ideas ranged from really creepy to cute to engaging. I think it will be cool to see how everything turns out.

Grades and Motivation

The question that I want you to think about his how you can psychologically trick yourself into being more creative. How can you work on projects that are going to be graded without letting it affect your creativity? What coping habits might help maintain creativity?

Oh gosh, I'm not really sure. I guess the best way to go about it would to try and think of yourself as getting graded by how much time you put it. Most projects are better the more time they have committed to them. So if you set a goal of how much time you spend, and think of the idea and creativity as independent from grading and judgement you are more likely to succeed then if you try and cater to a teachers desires for your project. That way you still have motivation to work hard, and put in the time, but the creative aspect of the project doesn't suffer.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Response to Mona Lisa

When I make art, and when I look at art I never think of it as a masking or hiding device. I don't think most art is meant to distract from the artist. There is a quote, I believe of Picasso's that says "artists use lies to tell the truth". I think that although art may be viewed as deceiving it is usually made in the pursuit of truth and revelation. I think many important artists use art to expose and unveil truths about the world or themselves through art, not to cover themselves.

I do think the idea of the connection between artwork and viewer is very interesting. Artists create work to connect with an audience one way or another, so the analysis of that connection is interesting to look into.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6 class

1. I was pretty impressed with how Gokey worked around the issue with the stereogram maker. When I run into computer trouble I tend to give up immediately, so I was surprised he was able to find a way around it. I learned you can google error messages!

2. I thought the art piece with the floating furniture was amazing. It blows my mind that some could think of that...and paint such straight lines.

3. I also was interested by the idea of picturesque. I can see how the world becomes more and more picturesque, and art itself. I have probably seen just as much art through the internet and cheap recreations as i have in person. In a way this is amazing, becuase it allows us constant access to art and culture, but it is also sort of a drag, because art is so different in person.